Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

September 2011

Well, September was an interesting month! David had a successful colon resection & spent just four days in the hospital. Micalee had to stay at Daycare for most of the day of his surgery (she usually only goes for half a day) & did great with naptime there (although she WILL NOT take a nap at home; peer pressure!?!?) We had lots of family time with David being out of work until mid-October, and when we started feeling better, we got to do more than we would normally be doing. Here are some of September's highlights:

Autumn Moon Festival!!! We love celebrating this Chinese holiday with Micalee! We usually have the traditional mooncakes, then drive to the school in the neighborhood to get a good look at the full moon. We tell the moon what we are thankful for, then send our secret wish to the moon. We then read Micalee her Moon Festival book before bedtime. Here is Micalee eating mooncakes.

And yes, we drive to the school in our jammies! This year, Micalee got a new paper lantern to take with her. She has slept with on (has a small LED light inside) hanging on her bedrail every night since!

Micalee got this car for her birthday last year and she's gotten so good at driving it that we've removed the screw that makes it only go 2.5mph. Now she can go 5mph & she's still doing great! She loves driving it all around the yard!!!

With the weather FINALLY cooling down some, we decided to head out to Gator & Friends again to feed the animals. We always have a good time there! Here we are stopping for a pose.

Here is one of the newest additions to Gator & Friends. He may look sweet, but we did take a nice bite at Micalee's arm. It just left a little mark on her arm, but it did scare her a bit!!!

Luckily, this little guy's mouth is taped shut! I think he would do a little more damage than the zebra! Micalee isn't afraid of a thing. We took this picture while she was trying to convince a much older child to pet the alligator. I wish I had thought to video it. I was just too funny!

Late in September, we took Micalee to the Shrine circus (along with some friends of ours). Before the show, they had all sorts of activities for the kiddos! Here is Micalee on the pony ride.

And my favorite, the elephant ride! I've always wanted to ride an elephant, but was always a little nervous after seeing crazed elephants trampling the crowds. After a little thought, I figured being on top of the elephant would probably be the safest place if he decided to go on a rampage!!!

And here is Miclaee sharing (or more like hogging it all) popcorn with her friends, Lillianne & Isabella. All the girls were going to get their faces painted, but Micalee backed out at the last minute...

1 comment:

K said...

looks like fun times for sure! Kelly, Mark & Laney